Monday, June 28, 2010

Peace Without Action and The Law of Attraction

I have always admired a man who was in the DVD "The Secret" named Michael Beckwith. For those of you familiar with the DVD but not his name, he is the black man with the long, lovely braided hair. He always seemed like a loving, gentle, peacemonger, and I usually like these kinds of people.

Today on Facebook his status was, "We are not here to set things right, but to see things righty..."

OK, first of all, I must point out that I believe there is a typo in this statement. The last word in this statement is "righty". For it to make any sense at all there should be an "L" in the last word to make the word "rightly". Otherwise, as one of the more clever readers commented, the only acceptable response to this status is "But what if you're a lefty?"

If you agree with me and think that Bechwith did, indeed, mean to add the "L" in the last word, then I am interested in your opinion of this statement. On the surface it seems to make some people feel warm all over. Most of the comments on the status seemed to be saying things like "Oh, isn't that a wonderful thought", and "Amen", and "Beautiful!", and "Thank you!", and other such positive things. I can only assume that these people are lemmings, or more like lambs to the slaughter. They seem to have no critical thinking skills.

MY first reaction was, "WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" One sole voice was commenting in the negative, asking why we would only accept things as good, or "rightly" and not choose to feed the hungry or clothe the naked when we see those that are suffering. That seems like a reasonable question and one I was about to ask myself. The comments below that began to absolutely boggle my mind. For instance:

  • "We need to learn not to see these things, then they will weaken and disappear from our reality.
  • We do that best by appreciating things that are good, and right, and true, and beautiful etc."
  • "I *THINK it's a matter of what you focus on; if you see things right (as you want them to be) and act from there, then you'll create that. If you're focused on setting them right, then you're coming from a place of them being wrong, with judgement and continue to create those things too. That's what I got form it.."
  • "There is no such thing as right or wrong until you make a judgement . . . if you see things as they truly are, you will know what actions are appropriate."
  • "Western culture has a very profound belief that if we're not unhappy about something, we won't try to change it (job, living situation, relationship, etc.) We can see the perfection in all that Is and still choose to act out of that simply because we want things to be different, rather than coming from a place of judgment - and this is a very difficult distinction for a lot of us. People who are coming from judgment and unhappiness are often less effective - at the very least, they're contributing negative energy to the world/situation, and at the most, they may avoid the situation altogether because it's just "too upsetting." We CAN simply want things to be different and act out of that, without being judgmental or unhappy about the way they are first. A question to ask is, "what am I afraid it would mean" or "what am I afraid would(n't) happen if I weren't unhappy about this situation?" We feel sad about certain things happening because we believe that makes us better, more sensitive people. If I weren't upset about this happening then it would mean I didn't care. Can we get to a place where we just trust our caring, that we WILL act on whatever is important to us anyway, and if we don't act, no matter how much we feel we "should", it just isn't that important, no matter how much we feel it "should" be."
If I may, I will start with the first one.
Really? REALLY? Things are going to be disappear if we don't see them? Then it must be true that if I close my eyes you can't see me! Who knew childhood games would come true when we turned into adults???

We see things rightly when we see things as good, right, true and beautiful? Does that mean we can't act on them? Why? I'm confused.

I'm taking on two of these together. In my humble opinion both of these are ABSOLUTELY wrong. When I try to "fix" (I abhor that word - can we go with "improve"?) things I am coming from a place of love for the people/things/animals I am trying to help, not NECESSARILY from a place of others being wrong, or me being better than them. That would be a "judgment" for someone else to make. By the way - when you judge something as "good" you are most certainly making a judgment, just as if you judge it "in need of improvement" or "peaceful". Things may or may not be neutral until we judge it, but society gives us an unconscious measurement and, to my way of thinking, that is an inescapable fact of life. Many of us think outside of the box, but many things are simply looked at as black and white, good or bad.

I begin to understand the last post I quoted here because I begin to agree with some of it. However, these people she starts out talking about are people I simply cannot identify with. I just don't think that way. I am an Activist, an Adventurer; and as I would LIKE to always be motivated by love (GASP! Could I be human?) I don't always. I tend to angry at injustice and pain. Those are negative thoughts, and the Law of Attraction does state that those thoughts will bring me negative things. But what kind of person does it make me if I turn my back on a drowning victim? Do I not think the negative thoughts of fear just because I am afraid I will bring negative, fearful thoughts on myself? I honestly don't know the answer but I know which action I have to take in order to be able to live with myself the next day. That's just who I am.

I will, however, try my damnedest to accept who you are. Tolerance in this world is at such a premium that it must be practiced at all costs. You don't have to like the person, but tolerance and acceptance is almost required. Try to improve things? Yes, but anger and negativity? No; I agree. Not if we can help it.

Do I practice what I preach? Oh hell no - not always. ;) But I'm getting better at it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Women, History, Men, and Happiness

Geez - has it been that long since I blogged?

I'm so self-absorbed. The move; my recent VERY DISTURBING-UNCOMFORTABLE-UPSETTING incident; staying with my hugely 8 1/2-month pregnant cousin for longer than intended - by choice, of course... One had a lot to do with the other, actually.

You see, I have been almost completely friendless in Greensboro. It's been a beautiful place to live, and fulfilling in several ways, but not in the area of relationships. Most of the women I have met have been hypocrites or simple back-stabbers. Back-stabbers are almost better than hypocrites simply because at least you know where you stand with them. I never undervalue knowing where I stand with people.

JUDAS PRIEST, THOUGH! Some of these women act so insecure and passive/aggressive! WTF! They treat me like I'm the enemy. And I think that is what they think I am! I'm the competition. For WHAT I don't have a clue. Men? No. I didn't join the damn Meetup to meet men. I joined it to meet FRIENDS and have people to go do stuff with. It is bad form to date within such a small social group. That's kinda like pissing where you eat; biting the hand that feeds you; cutting off your nose to spite your face... Nah... I've gone off the deep end with the metaphors. Literary Festival concluded.

I've been so grateful for that Meetup, though. It has given me a reason to leave the house, other than the beach and doing laundry. I've seen movies I'd have never seen, eaten at restaurants I'd have never tried, and met several quality people I absolutely HAVE to stay in touch with after I move. And when push comes to shove I have no reason to complain. I am blessed beyond all reason. Some of these folks will never know joy, love, and personal empowerment like I do. They are just wonderful, sincere humans being who they are. I am proud to say I am finally down to earth enough to have learned to appreciate them for who they are. I think there may have been a time when I couldn't have done that, I don't know. But I can now and I am a better person for it.

It's this lack of girlfriends, though, that sent me running back to my cousin's house this week, luckily to find out that she is a true girlfriend in the real sense. The devastation of the thing that happened Thursday made me see I needed to get out of town and do some thinking to get my head on straight. It was SO the right thing to do! We had a wonderful time doing stuff - and not doing stuff. Loved being around a baby belly again; made me think of Anne and Rachael - Rachael being the little baby I (slightly) helped into the world on July 11th OH SO MANY years ago, and Anne being her single mother. Such wonderful memories for a woman who can't have children to be able to look back on. Pretty cool, huh? :) And to find out that I, for the first time since living in Dallas 20 years ago, had a place I could run away to and have a friend on the other end. It's so important to have that in life. Research shows it actually shortens your life without that kind of support. I'm so lucky.

That's it for tonight. GOD! I love to write. I also love to talk, damn it. I talk WAY TOO MUCH. Especially when I see my certain FB (Friend with Benefits is the PG version - Fuck Buddy is the real definition). He makes me nervous because I'm sure he doesn't like me. He's just putting up with me to have sex (it's true, isn't it?), and so I cover up my nerves by talking CONSTANTLY. YADA YADA YADA, OMG what an idiot I sound like. Chatty Cathy like I just surfaced from a dive. (I talk incessantly when I finish a dive... adrenaline rush, no doubt - talking to fish is exciting! I should know - I am one!) Anywho, where was I headed with this rant? Oh yeah... self-loathing. Tell you what, we'll skip that tonight. Mr. FB may never know who I REALLY am when I'm REALLY being myself, but I'm not going to make it worse tonight by beating myself up about it.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

If Religious Conservatives are correct, then what are they so afraid of?

I recently saw "Religulous", the enlightening documentary by Bill Maher, with a friend. I have always been one to ask questions of teachers, authority, and idiots. I come by it naturally; I had scientists and teachers for parents. For some odd reason, though, conservative right-wing religious devotees get very angry when you question their beliefs. If they are the only way to salvation then what makes them so insecure about people challenging their beliefs?

I don't really believe in religion. I am spiritual and I believe religion, more often than not, is used at the highest levels as a tax dodge and a cult - mostly as a way to keep power over the people and gain money. As a lover of human beings I simply cannot condone that kind of tyrannical behavior. Don't get me wrong, the PEOPLE of the Church have done countless good deeds, but the evil that has been done in the name of religion may, indeed, if weighed in total, negate all the positives.

I think there are many paths to God, but I also think there is only one God. He has a heck of a lot of names and faces, though. ;) In an instance I know of personally, for one agnostic God took the form of a door knob. This person was able to use that form as a vehicle for their higher power and successfully stopped drinking - now sober for over 20 years. That person no longer uses the door knob as their higher power, but they are a Unitarian Universalist. How's THAT for a path to God? :D

I have been lucky enough in my life to have four parents. Two with Ph.D.s and two with Masters degrees, all teachers and scientists. So I have a requirement of my beliefs that they be scientifically provable and accurate. For the last 2 years of my Dad's life all he talked about was dark matter (which had just been discovered) and quantum physics (which was just being openly talked about). Black matter and quantum physics changed science all together. So because of my Father I have studied quantum physics a lot. I also do a lot of meditating and use CD's from a place called The Monroe Institute, a non-profit organization that I have quite a history with. As a quick background: Buddhist monks go there and learn meditation skills in one week that the old monks say took them a lifetime to learn. It is truly an amazing place doing good work for the world (it's stated goal).

I think this background safely leads me to the place where I can state what my beliefs about God are without being taken as an idiot - for lack of a better term. I guess I don't see God with a personality. Why would God have a personality? God is love. If we really understand the Universe God is in us, around us, and to use the terms already used by a man that PROBABLY believes the same way I do, "...The Force surrounds us, penetrates us..." Yes, when I heard those words in Star Wars I was dumbfounded. George Lucas, when I was the young age of 17, had just hit upon my vision of God. SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME. Even back then I knew what I believed but was afraid to say it. Now that I have the education, vocabulary, and understanding I can say that my beliefs marry spirituality and quantum physics. That is an impossible concept for some people to get their head around, but it is sheer logic and perfection for me. All miracles can be scientifically proven through quantum physics. ALL OF THEM. I've even done some myself. I have had systemic lupus for over 20 years. There is no more measurement of Lupus in my blood. I spent many years healing myself. I changed my DNA. Many doctors will tell you that I just went into remission. I say I healed myself. YOU choose YOUR miracle, I'll choose mine. I still have bad days, I still have symptoms, I still have lupus problems. But for YEARS I had no measurable lupus in my blood. I can give you other examples of "miracles" that are explainable. I believe in quantum physics AND miracles, because they are one and the same thing. I also believe in God.

A lot of people will think this is blasphemy. I don't. I think this is praising the amazingness of the Universe - whom I see as God. I have educated myself and learned and done amazing things through the Universe that God has given us. What is more "God-like" than that? I love people with all my heart as much as humanly possibly. I try to be "Christ-like" instead of "Christian" because I have little respects for Christians. As a whole they seem to be hypocrites. I believe that Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Mary Magdalene, and COUNTLESS other men and women were incredibly gifted disciples of God. We are ALL sons and daughters of God.

Shit like this can get me killed, and that makes me very sad. I believe there needs to be more tolerance in this world. I'm a peace monger, much like Jesus and John Lennon were (two big influences in my life). I'd better go make sure my address isn't in the info on my Facebook Wall. If you got this far, thanks for reading. :) Namaste.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Herding Geese

Greensboro is FULL of Canadian Geese. I don't know why. We have TONS of ponds, lakes, green parks... I guess a lot of American cities have Canadian Geese, though. That's fine. I'd do a Google search for you to site the statistics if it weren't O-dark:30 in the morning. But I have to tell you about these damn geese.

After spending lots of money fixing my car so I can drive to Florida next month to rent an apartment (WOO HOO!!!) I was driving down what is arguably the busiest street in Greensboro. [Dallas friends and other big city dwellers: I know how ridiculous that statement is, but give it your best shot at the jokes.] Anywho - all that aside - there are still dangerous vehicles bearing down on you at 50 mph or more wanting to get where they're going and be there 10 minutes ago.

So here I am on my way to my friend's house to watch a movie when I come over a hill and see several cars going MUCH slower than normal on the other side of this 7-lane highway. Then I notice the problem: There are about TWELVE CANADIAN GEESE AND THEIR SMALL OFFSPRING in the center turn lane, all huddled together; TWO OF THE BABIES are actually on a sit down strike - resting in the middle of this busy highway. I slam on my (new and improved) brakes, but only because there was absolutely no one at all behind me in any of the three possible lanes they could have been in. The Universe, being on my side as usual, had me in the center lane. I hit my emergency flashers, got out of my car, leaving my car door open, checked for traffic behind me again (NOTHING AT ALL COMING YET! - HOW COOL WAS THAT?!) and proceeded to start yelling at the geese to get going. I ran over to get behind them and started herding geese. I was yelling at them as if they understood me - which most animals usually do (I communicate very well with animals). I started flailing my arms about like a monkey... the whole time checking for traffic. As the geese were approaching about half way across, here comes the traffic from over the hill. As they come over the hill they are seeing my black Honda in the middle lane, door open, flashers on, and geese being herded across the road by a mad woman. I'm just hoping there wasn't a photographer for the local paper in the backup.

A few of the cars barely slowed down and used the turning (center) lane to pass and be on their way (ASSHOLES). Most of them, however, respected what was going on and slowed to let the damn geese get across the road. Why did the geese cross the road? I don't know. I forgot to ask in my haste. Besides, they were mad at me for hurrying them across. One even snapped at me. I told him I didn't care; he just needed to get going. Nice guys never get any respect.

When all but one was on the curb, I ran back to my car and sped (and I do mean PEELED) off.

As I got to my car door, though, one woman rolled down her window and yelled, "THANK YOU!" to me. Cool.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Airport Security Solution. But first...

First, a word from our sponsor:

I am CRAZY busy doing stuff so I can move to Florida. I have the numbers crunched and I know how much money I am short from getting there. I know where the money is coming from, I have the places lined up that I need to take things to for selling them, I have apartments chosen to see, I have the logistics in temporary order, I have the car lined up for repair... things are moving along. This is all to illustrate to all my lovely followers (LOL) why I have not blogged lately. I am busy making the important plans to make these blogs even more useful to human- and animal-kind. The oil slick approaches Tampa Bay even as I write this. My manatees are in eminent danger, and time is at a premium. I am making haste. Now - to today's blog, compliments of someone else.

A dear friend of mine sent this to me from a friend of his. I think it will make for a great blog today, since I don't seem to find the time or energy to blog today.



As Americans we sometimes tend to over-complicate things, instituting a needlessly complex solution to what is in reality a simple problem. Case in point...

The Airport Solution - So simple!

Here's a solution to all the controversy over full-body scanners at the airports.

Have a booth that you can step into that will not X-ray you, but instead will detonate any explosive device you may have on you.

It would be a win-win for everyone, and there would be none of this crap about racial profiling. Additionally, this method would eliminate a long and expensive trial. Justice would be swift and appropriate. Case closed!

This is so simple that it's brilliant. I can see it now: you're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention standby passengers -- we now have a seat available on flight number..."