Sunday, June 13, 2010

If Religious Conservatives are correct, then what are they so afraid of?

I recently saw "Religulous", the enlightening documentary by Bill Maher, with a friend. I have always been one to ask questions of teachers, authority, and idiots. I come by it naturally; I had scientists and teachers for parents. For some odd reason, though, conservative right-wing religious devotees get very angry when you question their beliefs. If they are the only way to salvation then what makes them so insecure about people challenging their beliefs?

I don't really believe in religion. I am spiritual and I believe religion, more often than not, is used at the highest levels as a tax dodge and a cult - mostly as a way to keep power over the people and gain money. As a lover of human beings I simply cannot condone that kind of tyrannical behavior. Don't get me wrong, the PEOPLE of the Church have done countless good deeds, but the evil that has been done in the name of religion may, indeed, if weighed in total, negate all the positives.

I think there are many paths to God, but I also think there is only one God. He has a heck of a lot of names and faces, though. ;) In an instance I know of personally, for one agnostic God took the form of a door knob. This person was able to use that form as a vehicle for their higher power and successfully stopped drinking - now sober for over 20 years. That person no longer uses the door knob as their higher power, but they are a Unitarian Universalist. How's THAT for a path to God? :D

I have been lucky enough in my life to have four parents. Two with Ph.D.s and two with Masters degrees, all teachers and scientists. So I have a requirement of my beliefs that they be scientifically provable and accurate. For the last 2 years of my Dad's life all he talked about was dark matter (which had just been discovered) and quantum physics (which was just being openly talked about). Black matter and quantum physics changed science all together. So because of my Father I have studied quantum physics a lot. I also do a lot of meditating and use CD's from a place called The Monroe Institute, a non-profit organization that I have quite a history with. As a quick background: Buddhist monks go there and learn meditation skills in one week that the old monks say took them a lifetime to learn. It is truly an amazing place doing good work for the world (it's stated goal).

I think this background safely leads me to the place where I can state what my beliefs about God are without being taken as an idiot - for lack of a better term. I guess I don't see God with a personality. Why would God have a personality? God is love. If we really understand the Universe God is in us, around us, and to use the terms already used by a man that PROBABLY believes the same way I do, "...The Force surrounds us, penetrates us..." Yes, when I heard those words in Star Wars I was dumbfounded. George Lucas, when I was the young age of 17, had just hit upon my vision of God. SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME. Even back then I knew what I believed but was afraid to say it. Now that I have the education, vocabulary, and understanding I can say that my beliefs marry spirituality and quantum physics. That is an impossible concept for some people to get their head around, but it is sheer logic and perfection for me. All miracles can be scientifically proven through quantum physics. ALL OF THEM. I've even done some myself. I have had systemic lupus for over 20 years. There is no more measurement of Lupus in my blood. I spent many years healing myself. I changed my DNA. Many doctors will tell you that I just went into remission. I say I healed myself. YOU choose YOUR miracle, I'll choose mine. I still have bad days, I still have symptoms, I still have lupus problems. But for YEARS I had no measurable lupus in my blood. I can give you other examples of "miracles" that are explainable. I believe in quantum physics AND miracles, because they are one and the same thing. I also believe in God.

A lot of people will think this is blasphemy. I don't. I think this is praising the amazingness of the Universe - whom I see as God. I have educated myself and learned and done amazing things through the Universe that God has given us. What is more "God-like" than that? I love people with all my heart as much as humanly possibly. I try to be "Christ-like" instead of "Christian" because I have little respects for Christians. As a whole they seem to be hypocrites. I believe that Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Mary Magdalene, and COUNTLESS other men and women were incredibly gifted disciples of God. We are ALL sons and daughters of God.

Shit like this can get me killed, and that makes me very sad. I believe there needs to be more tolerance in this world. I'm a peace monger, much like Jesus and John Lennon were (two big influences in my life). I'd better go make sure my address isn't in the info on my Facebook Wall. If you got this far, thanks for reading. :) Namaste.


  1. I agree that it is so depressing that some people cannot openly discuss their religion and have people question it without getting defensive. My answer to that is if you were really secure about what you believed, you would be happy to answer any question I throw at you. But they don't know the answers. We live in the Bible Belt where people preach to each other on the street but have not really studied the Bible. I've read more of the Bible than most Christians I know. One man I knew, a priest, who I met when I became Catholic, was a man who would discuss all of this with me. Unfortunately he was relocated and I don't know where he is now.

    I believe there is more than one pathway to God, too. I have that on my FB profile! I will discuss religion all day because I feel it is necessary to truly understand what you believe instead of following something blindly just because someone told you too.

    I hate that Jesus used the word "sheep" in the Bible as his followers, because it insinuates that we should all blindly follow whatever he says (and the Pope picked and chose what we saw in the Bible) and never question. What I do like is the story of doubting Thomas, who was one of his favorites, because he did ask questions.

    Faith is believing something in the absence of proof or hard evidence. What I don't get is that it is okay to do this as far as God is concerned, but what about people who have belief in aliens without hard evidence? They are crazy. It's so hypocritical.

    So that is why I am more spiritual than religious. I believe what I believe because it makes sense to me and NOT because someone told me I should believe it for the sake of believing it!

  2. Though I can not quote the verse, I do know we are instructed by Jesus to question all things. It did not say all things except the trinity, it said all things. I have good days and bad days. Some days I look up and tell God, you has some plaining to do!! I would rather live christ like and get it right than to deny and be wrong. If I stumble in my fellowship, I have only but to ask forgiveness.

    I do not like ANY religion that is so rigid we are not allowed to continue being humans making mistakes and learning from them. Being chastised by any zealot is so repugnant to me I could just puke when they start their, "your going straight to hell...." crap on me. I also don't like the hoitey toitey bible carrying folks either. It's fine if you would like to advise me of a verse but don't tell me i'm wrong or that I'll go straight to hell (when I am thinking... behind you). My judgement falls between God & my conscience. If it feels right, I own it. If it feels wrong, I own that shit too.

    All in all, I find it more and more difficult to talk to some people due to their rigid behaviours. They seem very unnatural to me. Not because they believe, but because they question my belief in a very demeaning manner.

    I am spiritual and religious. But I do with my own chosen belief & they way I have seen the two work for me and against me.

    Great post!

  3. Sometimes I wonder why I (have a) blog when I daily ask myself to talk less and listen more...

    I thank you for your thoughts, dear loyal readers.
