Monday, October 11, 2010

Merry Me, Not Contrary

Oh what a wonderful day! The good news I got today has set me free. The sky was blue, the moon was AMAZING! - one of those little fingernail moons that was going down just as I was getting home from Tampa. It was white when I first saw it, and by the time I got home it was orange. SO BEAUTIFUL!

I want to pop a cork on some champagne! I have dodged a bullet so big I'm going to celebrate until - well, my whole life. Literally. I've been given a second chance to do things I thought I wouldn't get to do. My life just gets better and better. I don't know what I did to deserve the gifts I've been given, but I am grateful beyond what words can describe. I am envisioning things I dared not envision a year ago. I am practicing the Law of Attraction better than ever, and truly great things are going to happen in my life - hell, ARE happening in my life.

Now if I could just decide whether to get a cat or not. LOL

1 comment:

  1. So on Sunday you blogged "unfortunately tomorrow isn't going to be any better" (which, if you remembered my reply comment, I wrote that Monday would turn out to be just fine). Now I see in your Monday blog entry that I was correct and that you enjoyed a wonderful day. So I have just one question: what address do I send my fee for optimism services to? :-)

    That said, and to repeat my favorite advice that hopefully you'll keep in mind: don't worry.

    don't worry about the past - just learn from it
    don't worry about the future - just plan for it
    concentrate only on the present - live it to the fullest
